
Pukulan is a martial art from Indonesia. Being a martial art meaning that all three disciplines are performed; the sports (ola raga), the fight (bella diri) and the art combined with the spirtual forms (seni budaja). 

Mastering each discipline will lead one to learn the ‘complete’ fight. Thus it’s no secret that this takes a lot of time in order to master this. The saying goes: “You can only become a master by training steadily”. Pukulan is derived from the indonesian word Pukul, which means to hit, and in context it means the fight. People who practice Pencak Silat or Pukulan are called Persilats and the teacher is called Pendekar and should be adressed with Soehoe (official), Mas, or Pa.


As mentioned before, Pukulan comes from Indonesia. An answer as to where Pukulan is exactly from is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that Pukulan, similar to Pencak Silat, is more of a collection of different sub-forms of the Martial Art belonging to the variety of Islands Indonesia has. Looking more closely at the techniques used in the martial art, one can see the mimicry/close resemblance to animals. Each Island would form their ‘style’ to the animals and the conditions they found on their specific Island; hence the manifold of different styles of Pencak Silat. 


In every training the basic techniques are practiced: punches, kicks, defences, forms and breaking your falls. In contrast to many other styles, our forms are also required to be used during sparring and real fighting situations. Next to the previous mentioned techniques, we also practice one-step defences and combinations. To get used to all the techniques we end most of our trainings with sparring sessions to learn to utilise what you have learned. Because knowing a technique doesn’t mean you’re able to use the actual technique in real situations, which is our main goal.


In Pencak Silat normally sashes are used as opposed to belts. Our colour order is equal to the order used in most asian sports. The sash we wear originated from the ‘selendang’ (hip belt), which is worn by the Indonesian people.


The exams are to be taken very seriously and are therefore also difficult or strict. A grade is not given as a present by our teacher and therefore if one succeeds his or her exam, one can be proud of this achievement. 

Sports Federation

We’re connected to the IBF (International Budo Federation. The IBF organises yearly different national and international matches, going from semi-contact to full contact. These matches are very well organized and regulated.


As Pukulan is rather unknown, we like to show ourselfs at various demonstration opportunities

link Kick-In UTwente, 2021

link Anual Indonesian evening festival UT, 2017

link Demo in Alicante (Spain), 14th of May 2014

link Demo + Cultural piece, 12th of Sept 2011

link Demo @ NSK Judo, UTwente, 1st of May 2010

Exam movie

A few examples of the exams:


link Brown Sash, 26th of March 2016

link Blue Sash, 3rd of July 2014

link Orange Sash, 9th of June 2012


Excited to join? Or want to try it out?


Regular times:


Mon: 21:00 – 22:30, Dojo of Sportcentre, UTwente

Wed: 20:00 – 21:30, SC5 of Sportcentre, UTwente