Examinations summer 2021
At the end of the school year, our students have the chance to do the examination for their next belt. This year was a bit different than previous years as COVID didn’t have quite an impact on our opportunities to train. Fortunately, the situation improved and at some point we finally could resume our trainings.
It is always amazing to see how much progress one can make in a year. The examinations are a great way to see how much you have grown as a martial artist. What could possibly be better than getting a higher belt as a reward! At Arashi we are always looking for ways to improve ourselves and to do that you need guidance. If it wasn’t for our great trainers, we would have faced a moreĀ
difficult time. Due to their and your dedication and perserverence, trainings could continue safely when the restrictions were lifted. While we all still have a long way to go, everyone more than deserved their next belt. If not for training deligently, then for surviving these times together. Well done everyone!